Courageous Obedience

Hello and Happy New Year!

I just want you all to know that when I reflect on 2017 I recognize the huge blessings that God has provided through each one of your financial commitments and gifts, through your prayer, and through your support.
I am thankful for you all and thankful for the team at Proximos Pasos. I love serving here, but it's not always easy so I want you to know that I'm grateful for you!

As 2018 begins and a new school year at Proximos Pasos commences, I would like to ask you all to join me in prayer!

Pray that I would have courage to be obedient to the things that God calls me to - obedience even in scary or seemingly impossible situations. I want to continue to see God's work carried out in Guatemala.
It’s possible that God wants me here for this year only, and I hope that I’d be courageous in the way that I respond to the things He reveals throughout 2018. I know He makes things known to us so that we can follow out His will in whatever the situation might be. So, please join me in prayer!

Some things that God has placed on my heart
to better serve the girls at Proximos Pasos:
  • Reaching out to other ministries in the Santa María de Jesús community to better understand what resources might be available to the girls at Proximos Pasos. I think reaching out to the other ministries might also work as an encouragement and a chance to rejoice at the works of God’s hands. It’ll provide an opportunity for us to work as one body (1 Corinthians 12).
  • Striving and taking active steps towards making sure that no girl is left behind in her school work. I worked on the Home Visit program last year, and we were able to start it up but this year will be our first full year working with the program. I know that this year we want to use the Home Visit program as a preventative tool, rather than a reaction to needs that have worsened throughout the year. The one-on-one time with the student - before visiting the family - will be intentional time to better understand the student's needs and time to share the Gospel.
  • I want to be more locally involved in Santa María de Jesús. I’ve been working on that since last year, and I know that teaming up with other ministries as well as visiting the student’s homes will be beneficial to this goal. 

There you have it! A bit of my heart and hope for living out and sharing the Gospel in 2018!

Thank you for your support!
I love you!
Vanessa Salcedo
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