Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
Church was great today and I enjoyed it even more because of a technical mishap! haha. While we were singing the last song of the opening music set the electricity went out, but everyone kept worshipping and it was just really nice to hear everyone's voices praising God in English and Spanish. We sang "mi corazón te cantará Jesús, Jesús//my heart will sing no other name Jesus, Jesus." The sermon was great, it was on perfect love casting out fear. (1 John 4:7-21)
I loved the sermon because I can sometimes be described as timid, but I definitely step out of comfort a lot because of God's call. My sister in law always reminds me that in jr high I wouldn't even spend the night at a friend's house, and it's true! I wouldn't do anything and I was really quiet - I'm still quiet when I first meet people but eventually you can't get me to shut up! haha, but now here I am living in a country that is not my own and I'm living in a house with a family that lives out a culture that is different than my own. I always think of myself as shy/timid, but I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't for God changing my life. There's no way you can stay quiet, no way you can stay the same when you've encountered Jesus Christ.
A Christian author, Margaret Feinberg, once posted "God cares more about your character than your comfort" and I always think about it when I'm uncomfortable doing something. I have to remember the fact that God doesn't call me to be stagnant, but to move and to grow. So be courageous - fear has to go because love has come!
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